DR. SABINE FUNKE, LL.M. (University of Chicago)


JUVE Recommendations

2023 / 2024
»Simply very good«
2022 / 2023
»highly recommended for M&A deals«, »very professional«, »very competent«
2020 / 2021
»professional and pragmatic«
»technical outstanding, very service-oriented«
2019 / 2020
»Very service-oriented, available at any time, even deep in the night, always on topic.«
2017 / 2018
"high service level"
"pragmatic & highly competent"
2016 / 2017
"professionally excellent, good service"
2015 / 2016
"proactive, solution-oriented, pragmatic"
"very experienced internationally"

Education & Professional Background:

Founded FM Notare
2010 – 2018
Notary with a well-known Frankfurt notarial office with focus on corporate / M&A and real estate
2004 - 2010
Lawyer with a large US- law firm in Frankfurt am Main with a focus on M&A, corporate, and capital markets
Doctorate degree (Dr. iur.) at the Humboldt-University of Berlin (awarded by the Deutsche Aktieninstitut, Frankfurt am Main)
2004 - 2005
Master's degree at the University of Chicago Law School, USA / admission as attorney-at-law in New York
2002 - 2004
Clerkship at the Berlin Court of Appeals
2001 - 2002
Research assistant to Prof. Dr. Eberhard Schwark, Humboldt University of Berlin
1998 - 2001
Law student in Freiburg and Berlin

News & publications

2012, Article: Minderjährige und Familienunternehmen (Teil 2), Rechtliche Aspekte der Beteiligung minderjähriger Gesellschafter bei Gesellschafterbeschlüssen, FuS 2012, 8-13 (with Dr. Olaf Gerber)

2012, Note on court decision: Anmerkung zum Beschluss des BGH vom 20.09.2011 (betreffend Publizitätswirkung der GmbH Gesellschafterliste /gutgläubiger Zweiterwerb eines aufschiebend bedingt abgetretenen GmbH-Geschaftsanteils) FuS 2012, 36-37 (with Dr. Olaf Gerber)

2011, Article: Minderjährige und Familienunternehmen (Teil 1) – Rechtliche Aspekte der Beteiligung minderjähriger Gesellschafter, FuS 2011, 121 – 126 (with Dr. Olaf Gerber)

2009, Article: “New Rules for the Acquisition of Financial Institutions in Germany: The Implementation of the EU Acquisitions Directive,” The Banking Law Journal, Volume 126, Number 6, June 2009, 536 – 551 (with Dr. Gabriele Apfelbacher/ Christof v. Dryander, Dr. Thomas Kopp)

2005, Dissertation: Minderheitenschutz im Aktienrecht beim “kalten” Delisting, Schriften zum Europäischen und Internationalen Privat-, Bank- und Wirtschaftsrecht, publisher: De Gruyter, Berlin 2005

JUVE Recommendations

2023 / 2024
»Simply very good«
2022 / 2023
»highly recommended for M&A deals«, »very professional«, »very competent«
2020 / 2021
»professional and pragmatic«
»technical outstanding, very service-oriented«
2019 / 2020
»Very service-oriented, available at any time, even deep in the night, always on topic.«
2017 / 2018
"high service level"
"pragmatic & highly competent"
2016 / 2017
"professionally excellent, good service"
2015 / 2016
"proactive, solution-oriented, pragmatic"
"very experienced internationally"

Education & Professional Background:

Founded FM Notare
2010 – 2018
Notary with a well-known Frankfurt notarial office with focus on corporate / M&A and real estate
2004 - 2010
Lawyer with a large US- law firm in Frankfurt am Main with a focus on M&A, corporate, and capital markets
Doctorate degree (Dr. iur.) at the Humboldt-University of Berlin (awarded by the Deutsche Aktieninstitut, Frankfurt am Main)
2004 - 2005
Master's degree at the University of Chicago Law School, USA / admission as attorney-at-law in New York
2002 - 2004
Clerkship at the Berlin Court of Appeals
2001 - 2002
Research assistant to Prof. Dr. Eberhard Schwark, Humboldt University of Berlin
1998 - 2001
Law student in Freiburg and Berlin

News & publications

2012, Article: Minderjährige und Familienunternehmen (Teil 2), Rechtliche Aspekte der Beteiligung minderjähriger Gesellschafter bei Gesellschafterbeschlüssen, FuS 2012, 8-13 (with Dr. Olaf Gerber)

2012, Note on court decision: Anmerkung zum Beschluss des BGH vom 20.09.2011 (betreffend Publizitätswirkung der GmbH Gesellschafterliste /gutgläubiger Zweiterwerb eines aufschiebend bedingt abgetretenen GmbH-Geschaftsanteils) FuS 2012, 36-37 (with Dr. Olaf Gerber)

2011, Article: Minderjährige und Familienunternehmen (Teil 1) – Rechtliche Aspekte der Beteiligung minderjähriger Gesellschafter, FuS 2011, 121 – 126 (with Dr. Olaf Gerber)

2009, Article: “New Rules for the Acquisition of Financial Institutions in Germany: The Implementation of the EU Acquisitions Directive,” The Banking Law Journal, Volume 126, Number 6, June 2009, 536 – 551 (with Dr. Gabriele Apfelbacher/ Christof v. Dryander, Dr. Thomas Kopp)

2005, Dissertation: Minderheitenschutz im Aktienrecht beim “kalten” Delisting, Schriften zum Europäischen und Internationalen Privat-, Bank- und Wirtschaftsrecht, publisher: De Gruyter, Berlin 2005